
Specifies the hints to be used in the rendering process.


   values om.SaxAttributes )
  1. values - Attribute set containing the key/value pairs.

Rendering hints

Table 1. Rendering hints
Rendering hint Purpose
grvRenderToBitmap, svgTextLengthAdjust, and grvUseEmbeddedFontMetrics

Optimize for GRV printing. See Optimize the rendering process.

psOptimize and psOptimizeUseDictionary

Optimize for Postscript printing. See Optimize the rendering process.


Disable image caching. See Optimize the rendering process.

pxmlChartStyle Specify style and color options for business graphs. Set to classic for backward compatibility with older versions of Genero Studio. See Specifying classic or default style.
processXMPOrientation Determine the orientation of an Image Box. Set to FALSE for backward compatibility with older versions of Genero Studio. See Configuring XMP metadata processing for images.
processXMPResolution Determine the resolution of an Image Box. See Configuring XMP metadata processing for images.
fglAutoformatTemplateURL, fglAutoformatLogoURL, fglAutoformatOrganizationName, fglAutoformatSelectionText, fglAutoformatKeyText, fglAutoformatPrintingInformationText, and fglAutoformatNumberOfFormColunms Set values for custom generic reports. See Create a custom generic report for simple list or form list.
pxmlColorizePadding Backward compatibility: when set to FALSE, the padding of an object uses the background color of the parent object, mimicking the behavior for padding an object prior to Genero Studio 3.20. See GST 3.20 upgrade guide.
pxmlSplitDocument Splits a large PDF, RTF, or Excelâ„¢ report into smaller files. See Splitting a report into smaller files.


This sample code sets the svgTextLengthAdjust and grvUseEmbeddedFontMetrics hints:

DEFINE renderingHints om.SaxAttributes
LET renderingHints=om.SaxAttributes.create()
CALL renderingHints.addAttribute("svgTextLenghAdjust","SpacingAndGlyphs")
CALL renderingHints.addAttribute("grvUseEmbeddedFontMetrics","true")

CALL fgl_report_setRenderingHints(renderingHints)

For an example of Genero code using a reporting function, see Using report output functions. This example may not use the specific function discussed in this topic, however it provides details on where you would place this (and other) report output functions.