
Produces a SVG "marker" element.


   id STRING,
   markerUnits STRING,
   refX DECIMAL,
   refY DECIMAL,
   markerWidth DECIMAL,
   markerHeight DECIMAL,
   orient STRING )
  RETURNS om.DomNode
  1. id is the SVG object identifier.
  2. markerUnits defines how the marker scales ("strokeWidth" or "userSpaceOnUse").
  3. refX defines the X coordinate of the reference point.
  4. refY defines the Y coordinate of the reference point.
  5. markerWidth defines the width of the marker.
  6. markerHeight defines the height of the marker.
  7. orient defines the orientation of the marker (like "auto") .


This function creates a "marker" SVG DOM element from the parameters.

SVG markers define the rendering of start, mid and end of a line or path.

Markers are typically defined in a "defs" SVG element, and then used in a style definition with the marker-start, marker-mid and marker-end attributes, using the styleList() and styleDefinition() functions (see example below).


DEFINE root_svg, defs, m, p, n om.DomNode
DEFINE attr DYNAMIC ARRAY OF om.SaxAttributes
LET defs = fglsvgcanvas.defs( NULL )
CALL root_svg.appendChild( defs )

LET m = fglsvgcanvas.marker("m1", NULL, 5,5,10,10, "auto")
CALL defs.appendChild( m )
CALL m.appendChild(,5,3) )
CALL n.setAttribute(SVGATT_STYLE,'stroke:gray; fill:blue;')

LET m = fglsvgcanvas.marker("m2", NULL, 2,6,15,15, "auto")
CALL defs.appendChild( m )
CALL m.appendChild( n:=fglsvgcanvas.path("M2,2 L2,11 L10,6 L2,2") )
CALL n.setAttribute(SVGATT_STYLE,'stroke:gray; fill:blue;')

LET attr[1] = om.SaxAttributes.create()
CALL attr[1].addAttribute(SVGATT_STROKE, "blue" )
CALL attr[1].addAttribute(SVGATT_STROKE_WIDTH, 1.5 )
CALL attr[1].addAttribute(SVGATT_FILL, "none" )
CALL attr[1].addAttribute(SVGATT_MARKER_START, fglsvgcanvas.url("m1") )
CALL attr[1].addAttribute(SVGATT_MARKER_END,   fglsvgcanvas.url("m2") )
CALL defs.appendChild( fglsvgcanvas.styleList(
LET p = fglsvgcanvas.path("M100,100 L150,150 L200,150")
CALL p.setAttribute(SVGATT_STYLE,"style_1")