Modify tcl script to generate code
Modify the tcl script used to generate the code.
- Open the main.tcl file in the tpl subdirectory of your template set directory.
Find the
# Set XPath
set of code. On the line followingset ROOTFILELocator
, add:set icon [[getUniqueNode $ROOTNode {/AG/File/DynamicProperties/DynamicProperty [@name='icon']}] @value]
Find the instruction
[gen_MAIN $DBName $outFormRelNode]
and add the$icon
parameter:[gen_MAIN $DBName $outFormRelNode $icon]
Find the instruction
proc gen_MAIN {DBName outFormRelNode} {
and add the icon parameter:proc gen_MAIN {DBName outFormRelNode icon} {
Find the instruction
CALL ui.Interface.loadStyles(\"dbapp\")
and on the following line add the call to set your image:CALL ui.Interface.setImage(\"$icon\")
- Save the changes.
- Select Tools > Specific setup > Reload.
In the OfficestoreAppFlow.4ba, select the Account
program entity and set the value of the
property to a valid image name. See Image directory structure. - Save the files.
Rebuild and run the Account program and see the icon used in the window
title of the program.
Figure: Custom icon in window title