Form functionality properties can be set on each record of a form to specify whether
the program logic is generated. Generated functionality can be disabled on a relation to the
form in the BA diagram.
Functionality properties on the form record
The program and user interface logic is generated when functionality properties are set. The
state of the action (enabled/disabled) or the availability of the action in the
Toolbar and/or Topmenu depends on the setting of the
Functionality properties. For example, if the
canSearch property is checked, the form allows for data queries
and the Toolbar and Topmenu will include a button and menu option for searching.
This form can be used to display data in this record. Allows the user to browse records with
next and previous.
The form can be used to add data in this record.
The form can be used to modify data in this record. The Edit button is displayed only if
canModify is selected.
The form can be used to delete data in this record.
The form can be used to search data in this record. canSearch is the only
functionality property available to Zoom forms.
This form can be used to sit empty waiting for the user to trigger an action. Useful when a form
is to be presented empty, prior to running a search query.
Figure: Setting the record Functionality properties
Disabling Functionality properties on a relation to a form
You can disable functionality generated for a form in a relation to the form on the BA diagram.
For example you may have a form that generates code for all functionalities, but in some situation
when the form is opened you do not want a functionality to be available. In this example, the form
record has all functionalities selected, thus all CRUD logic will be generated. On a specific
relation to this form, however, the Add and Search functionalities are disabled preventing the user
from adding or searching from this form when opened. Figure: Disabling some of the generated functionality on the relation to the form