Image style attributes

Image style presentation attributes apply to an IMAGE element.

Note: This topic lists presentation style attributes for a specific class of form element, common presentation style attributes can also be used for this type of element.
Table 1. Image style attributes

Defines the image alignment when the container is bigger than the image itself.

Possible values are a pair of horizontal ("left", "horizontalCenter", "right") and vertical alignments ("top", "verticalCenter", "bottom"). To combine alignment options, use a space as separator.

Value can also be "center", which is equivalent to "horizontalCenter verticalCenter".

The default value is "top left".

Yes Yes Yes No
Important: This feature is deprecated, its use is discouraged although not prohibited.
Important: Instead of IMAGE fields with the imageContainerType style attribute, use URL-based Web Components: URL Web Components are much easier to use and more powerful.

When set to "browser", defines an image container as a browser. To use the image field as a browser, set a URL instead of an image name.

Note: This feature uses the WebKit Open Source project as provided with Qt, and has limitations such as no Java support. It will display HTML / rich text, but may encounter difficulties with more complex Web pages.
Yes (see note) No No No