
The fglform tool compiles form specification files into XML formatted files used by programs.


fglform [options] form-name[.per]
  1. options are described in Table 1.
  2. form-name.per is the form specification file. The .per extension is optional.


Table 1. fglform options
Option Description
-V or --version Display version information for the tool.
-h or --help Displays options for the tool. Short help.
-i { mbcs } Displays information. -i mbcs displays information about multibyte character set settings.
-m Extract localized strings.
-M Write error messages to standard output instead of creating a .err error file.
-W { all } Produce warning messages. Only -W all option is supported for now.
-E Preprocess only. See Source preprocessor for more details.
-p option
Preprocessing control, where option can be one of:
  • nopp: Disable preprocessing.
  • noli: No line number information (only with -E option).
  • fglpp: Use # syntax instead of & syntax.
-I path Provides a single path to search for include files. See Source preprocessor for more details.
-D ident[=value] Defines the macro 'ident' with an optional value (default is 1). See Source preprocessor for more details.
-U ident Undefines the macro 'ident'. See Source preprocessor for more details.


The fglform command line tool compiles a .per form specification file into a .42f compiled version:
fglform custform.per

The .per extension is optional, if not used, fglform will automatically search for files with this extension.

The .42f compiled version is an XML formatted file used by programs when a form definition is loaded with the OPEN FORM or OPEN WINDOW WITH FORM instructions.