Web Services changes

There are changes in support of web services in Genero 3.20.

XML serializer is case sensitive

From FGLGWS 3.20 on, the XML serializer is case sensitive, same as the JSON serializer. This means that the serializer uses the case of the variable name as defined in the 4GL file.

What impact has this on my existing Web services? It is recommended to:

  1. Generate a new client and server stub via the fglwsdl tool.
    • The tool has an enhancement which does not generate XMLName attributes, unless they are really needed.
    • If you do not generate the stub, the XMLName attribute is still taken into account, so it should not have any impact.
  2. Check on server sides that all published SOAP web services input and output records are in lower case. This ensures compatibility with older versions. If backward compatibility is not an issue, then you must query the server WSDL file and generate the client stub from it.

For more details, see Customizing XML serialization.

Control HTTP Date header for GET, HEAD and DELETE requests

Starting with GWS 3.20.00, the FGLPROFILE entry http.global.request.date can be used to control whether GWS HTTP GET, HEAD and DELETE requests must send the HTTP Date header.

For more details, see HTTP configuration.

Support for empty HTTP POST or PUT requests

GWS 3.20.01 allows now to POST or PUT empty requests and read them on server side:
DEFINE req com.HTTPRequest
LET req = com.HTTPRequest.Create("http://tempuri.org")
CALL req.setMethod("POST") # or PUT
CALL req.doRequest()

Prior to GWS 3.20.01, the doRequest() call returned error code -15555 and the error message "Unsupported request-response feature".

The server side can now read empty POST or PUT requests as well. For instance in the following code sample, the return value of readTextRequest() will be NULL:
DEFINE ser com.HTTPServiceRequest
LET ser = com.WebServiceEngine.getHttpServiceRequest(-1)
IF ser.getMethod() == "POST" THEN
  LET txt = ser.readTextRequest()
    DISPLAY "No body"

Notice however that the Content-Type is still checked and may raise an error, if it doesn't match. So using readXmlRequest() must have a Content-Type of xml format, even if the body is empty. In practice, it is recommended to check the Content-Type before doing any read operation.

For more details, see com.HTTPRequest.doRequest.

New high-level RESTful framework

Genero BDL 3.20 provides a new framework for RESTful Web services programming.

See RESTful Web services with high-level framework.