Function key mapping

With Four Js Business Development Suite (BDS), when the user pressed a key modifier plus a function key (like Shift-F4 or Ctrl-F6), the key combination was mapped to a regular function key F(nn+offset), because Shift and Control key modifiers are not handled in the 4GL language.

The number of function keys of the keyboard was defined by the gui.key.add_function FGLPROFILE entry. For example, when this entry is set to 12 (the default), a Shift-F4 was received as F16 (4 + 12) in the program, to be handled with the ON KEY (F16) clause.

This feature and FGLPROFILE entry is still supported when using the traditional mode.

When using the standard GUI mode, special consideration needs to be taken regarding function keys above F12.

Function keys from F1 to F12 are common keys found on the keyboard and do not need any particular configuration regarding accelerators: The ON KEY clause defines an action object identified by the key name (in lowercase) and the first accelerator attribute defined with the same name. For example, ON KEY (F10) creates an action f10, with accelerator F10.

However, if the program uses ON KEY (Fnn) clauses where nn is above 12, in order to have Shift-F(nn-12) key combinations working, you need to define this accelerator in the corresponding action default entry.

Important: Since the ON KEY (Fnn) clause defines an automatic shortcut key with the first accelerator attribute, it overwrites the value of acceleratorName attribute defined in the action defaults. In order to associate the actual Shift-F(nn-12) key combination for the action fnn, you must use the second accelerator attribute. For example: ON KEY (F14) creates an action f14, with first accelerator F14. Specify acceleratorName2="Shift-F2" in the .4ad action defaults file, to define the Shift-F2 key combination for the f14 action.