PROPERTIES attribute

The PROPERTIES attribute is used to define a list of widget-specific characteristics.


PROPERTIES = ( { single-property | array-property | map-property } [,...] )
where single-property is:
identifier = property-value
and array-property is:
identifier = ( property-value [,...] )
and map-property is:
identifier = ( { single-property | map-property } [,...] )
and property-value is:
{ boolean-value | numeric-value | [%]"string-value" }
  1. boolean-value is true or false.
  2. numeric-value is an integer or decimal literal.
  3. string-value is a string literal. % prefix can be used to define a localized string.


The PROPERTIES attribute is typically used to define the widget-specific attributes of a WEBCOMPONENT form item.

Property names and values are not checked, which allows you to freely set any characteristic of an external widget. You must verify that the front-end side implementation supports the specified properties.


   COMPONENTTYPE = calendar,
               type = "gregorian",
               caption = %"calendar.caption",
               week_start = 2,
               days_off = ( 1, 7 ),
               dates_off = ( "????-11-25", "????-06-20" ),
               day_titles = ( t1 = "Sunday",
                              t2 = "Monday",
                              t3 = "Tuesday",
                              t4 = "Wednesday",
                              t5 = "Thursday",
                              t6 = "Friday",
                              t7 = "Saturday" )