Understanding the DISPLAY ARRAY instruction

The DISPLAY ARRAY dialog controls a list of records.

DISPLAY ARRAY is designed to browse a list of records, binding a static or dynamic array model to a screen array of the current displayed form.

A DISPLAY ARRAY instruction supports additional features such as drag & drop, tree-view management, built-in sort and search, multi-row selection and list modification triggers. For a detailed description of these features, see Table views.

Use the DISPLAY ARRAY instruction to let the end user browse in a list of rows, after fetching a result set from the database. The result set is produced with a database cursor executing a SELECT statement. The SELECT SQL statement is usually completed at runtime with a WHERE clause produced from a CONSTRUCT dialog. When the DISPLAY ARRAY statement completes execution, the program must test the INT_FLAG variable to check if the dialog was validated or canceled. If INT_FLAG is FALSE, the program can get the current row from arr_curr().