Creating C-Extensions
Custom C-Extensions must be provided to the runtime system as Shared Objects (.so) on UNIX™, and as Dynamically Loadable Libraries (.DLL) on Windows®.
In order to create a C-Extension, you must:
- Define the list of user functions in the C interface file, by including the fglExt.h header file.
- Compile the C interface file with your C compiler.
- Modify your C source modules by including the fglExt.h header file.
- Compile the C interface file and the C modules with the position-independent code option.
- Create the shared library with the compiled C interface file and
C modules by linking with the
runtime system library.
Include the fglExt.h header file in the following way:
#include "f2c/fglExt.h"
or dtime_t
are already defined by Informix headers. If you include Informix headers after
fglExt.h, you will get a compilation error.The C functions that are implemented in the C-Extension libraries
must be known by the runtime system. To do so, each C-Extension
library must publish its functions in a UsrFunction
which is read by the runtime system when the module is loaded.
The UsrFunction
array describes the user functions
by specifying the name of the function, the C function pointer,
the number of parameters and the number of returned values.
You typically define the UsrFunction
in the C interface
After compiling the C sources, you must link them together with
the libfgl
runtime system library.
Carefully read the man page of the ld dynamic loader, and any documentation of your operating system related to shared libraries. Some platforms require specific configuration and command line options when linking a shared library, or when linking a program using a shared library (+s option on HP® for example).
Linux® command-line example:
gcc -c -I $FGLDIR/include -fPIC myext.c
gcc -c -I $FGLDIR/include -fPIC cinterf.c
gcc -shared -o myext.o cinterf.o -L$FGLDIR/lib -lfgl
Windows command-line example using Visual C 8.0 and higher (with SxS manifest for the DLL!):
cl /DBUILDDLL /I%FGLDIR%/include /c myext.c
cl /DBUILDDLL /I%FGLDIR%/include /c cintref.c
link /dll /manifest /out:myext.dll myext.obj cinterf.obj %FGLDIR%\lib\libfgl.lib
mt -manifest myext.dll.manifest -outputresource:myext.dll
If you build your DLL with a version of Microsoft™
Visual C++ that is different from the version used to build FGLRUN.EXE, the DLL must get private
dependencies other than the process default. For example, when the C-Extension DLL needs the Visual
C 9.0 runtime library MSVCR90.DLL, while the FGLRUN.EXE was build with VC 10
and needs MSVCR100.DLL. Private dependencies are specified with the resource id
, by adding the ;2 modifier at the end of
the -outputresource
option, after the file name:
mt -manifest myext.dll.manifest -outputresource:myext.dll;2
fglmkext -o module_a.c module_b.c